New $250,000 Grant from Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW) announced today a new $250,000 grant over two years from the Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust (the Trust) as one of 17 Partners for the White River (PFTWR) organizations working together to improve the water quality, access and...
Respect for Our Environment Keeps Us Safe
Our waterways and natural spaces can be described as “beautiful,” “fun,” “reflective,” “alive,” or by colors, patterns, and activity we observe. But “respect” is also a concept we can use to frame our experience of the outdoors: respect for the intricacy with which...
Standing with Our Waterway Communities
Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW) is proud to work with diverse neighborhoods and partners across Indianapolis to improve quality of life. We walk alongside our historically (and currently) marginalized communities as they use their agency to create their own unique...
Project Spotlight: Fall Creek Watershed Management Plan
Fall Creek Waterway Committee led by Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District (MCSWCD) is working toward significant water quality improvement efforts by updating the Lower Fall Creek Watershed Management Plan. This plan, last updated in 2009, will provide...
Help Restore an Historic Bridge Over Pogue’s Run
In this new video, meet Pogue's Run neighbors passionate about connecting to their waterway and learn how you can join them to improve this Near Eastside gem. One big part of that is community-led Pathways Over Pogue's' effort to restore the historic Nowland Avenue...
New Coloring Pages Teach Care for Our Waterways
ROW worked with local artist Tyeesha Bradley to create three beautiful coloring pages that teach young ones the value of water and our waterways. ROW’s Canal Committee was inspired to develop these to distribute along with food boxes from Groundwork Indy during the...
Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa Milton
This month, ROW recognizes Lisa Milton for her steadfast engagement with the White River Committee. As the Assistant Operations and Property Manager for White River State Park (WRSP), Milton has been working with ROW directly for three years. Milton first collaborated...
Backyard Water Solutions with Green Infrastructure
How do rain barrels, water-friendly landscaping, and rain gardens help our waterways? How can you save money and save the planet from your home or neighborhood green space this season? ROW's latest In the Know with ROW event focused on Green Infrastructure (GI) which...
Volunteer Spotlight: Harlon Wilson
As a resident-leader in Christian Park, Harlon Wilson has brought energy, passion, and practicality to the Pleasant Run Committee these past two years. Wilson's involvement with ROW's Pleasant Run Committee inspired the Christian Park community to vision their future...