Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW) is proud to work with diverse neighborhoods and partners across Indianapolis to improve quality of life. We walk alongside our historically (and currently) marginalized communities as they use their agency to create their own unique paths towards community engagement, awareness, and care of our waterways.

Today, we acknowledge the sadness, outrage and struggles that our community is experiencing, especially our communities of color. While there has been much unrest in Indianapolis over the weekend, it is our history of systemic racism that has brought us to this moment in time. Across the country and in our own community, we have witnessed a tragedy where our black and brown neighbors have been injured by the bias and systems designed to create inequity that persist in society to this day. We stand firm on our commitment to promote care and respect for all in our community, and especially during these times of injustice, to stand against systemic racism in our city for our neighbors of color.

We want to lift up the voices and the dreams of our waterway communities. We are here to listen. We are here to facilitate helpful and healing measures from our collective network of partners.