Partner Spotlight: Near East Area Renewal (NEAR)
This month, ROW recognizes Near East Area Renewal (NEAR) for spearheading engaging events and supporting small businesses along Pogue's Run waterway. NEAR is a community development organization whose mission is to develop community as they create great places for...
Indy Celebrates White River Vision Plan
The White River Vision Plan, an initiative of the City of Indianapolis, Visit Indy, and Hamilton County Tourism, Inc. along with many other partner organizations to determine enhancements for 58 miles of the White River, launched June 3rd-7th with an exciting...
Guide to Improving Backyards and Waterways
You (yes, you!) are crucial to helping get rid of harmful invasive plants and replace them with beautiful native species. The Residential Invasive Species Removal Guide, along with a new educational video and how-to cards will help you learn how to remove harmful...
White River Vision Plan Launches
After more than a year of research, discovery, community engagement, and development the long-anticipated White River Vision Plan Launch begins June 3 with a week-long celebration. The final plan is a community-driven effort led by the City of Indianapolis, Visit...
Things to Do This Summer on Our Waterways
Dewy grass on bare feet, bird song filling the air, awe-inspiring thunderstorms, bees buzzing on bright flowers, fireflies sparkling, and cloud formations reflecting sunsets in a rainbow of colors – all signs that summer is arriving in Indianapolis. Summer is a season...
Seeing Pogue’s Run Through New Lenses
One of the most important contributions that art makes to everyday life is providing a new way of seeing the familiar. Different angles, compositions, and colors can change the way people view their own environment. Photography literally provides a different lens...
Volunteer Spotlight: Linda Simmons
ROW would like to extend a special thanks to Linda Simmons for her unwavering support and steady leadership of ROW's Pleasant Run Waterway Committee. Simmons has been involved with Pleasant Run since the very first meeting at Garfield Park and felt connected to the...
Partner Spotlight: Indiana Wildlife Federation
This month, ROW recognizes Indiana Wildlife Federation (IWF) for advancing habitat restoration and awareness along our waterways. Indiana Wildlife Federation is a state-wide non-profit that promotes conservation, sound management, and sustainable use of Indiana's...
ROW Launches New Tools for Improving Local Waterways
Today, Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW) launches a comprehensive effort to help Indianapolis residents remove harmful invasive plant species and replace them with beneficial native plants in their backyards and communities. The Residential Invasive Species Removal...