Our Waterways Form Centerpieces for Economic Life

Waterways often shape the urban landscape and can provide prime locations for relaxing living, exciting recreation, and smart industries that provide local jobs.
The Economics Element aims to recognize and develop strengths within waterway neighborhoods and collaborate with all stakeholders to create opportunities for economic growth.
ROW’s Economics Element Committee focuses on waterway improvements as an opportunity for economic growth for adjacent communities, including increases in capital investment in waterway neighborhoods.
Our Initiatives
Development Accelerator: This program links ROW Waterway Committees and the real estate community to opportunities for revitalization and partnership along Indy’s waterways. The program provides information and resources to advance economic growth through a multi-faceted approach, including forums, expert assistance, and tours.
Development Forum: ROW’s Economics Committee launched the Development Accelerator at the ROW Development Forum in June of 2018, with more than 80 professionals and community representatives attending.
Brownfields: Brownfields are any previously developed land that is not currently in use, but often refers to former industrial or commercial sites that have contaminated the land and many are located along our waterways. The Economics Committee has put together resources to learn more about this important issue.