by Our Waterways | Jan 15, 2019 | Central Canal, Fall Creek, Little Eagle Creek, News Center, Partners, Pleasant Run, Pogues Run, Volunteers, White River
There’s no time like the start of the new year to create new habits! By taking a Clear Choices Clean Water Indiana pledge, Jennifer from Speedway has prevented 2,854 billion units of bacteria from developing in our waterways. Patrick of Indianapolis is saving as...
by Our Waterways | Jan 8, 2019 | Central Canal, Fall Creek, Little Eagle Creek, News Center, Partners, Pleasant Run, Pogues Run, Success Story, Volunteers, White River
While we are looking forward to new and exciting things happening in 2019, ROW a lot to celebrate from this past year’s successes! Below are just some of the ways to see how we connected Indy residents to their waterways through awareness and direct action in...
by Our Waterways | Dec 18, 2018 | News Center, Partners, Volunteers
This month, ROW recognizes Ethan Olson for going the extra mile promoting invasive removal and native planting work on our waterways. Olson has served as a member of the Ecology Element Committee since 2015 and is Director of Native Landscapes at Keep Indianapolis...
by Our Waterways | Nov 29, 2018 | News Center, Partners, Volunteers, White River
This month, ROW recognizes Alex Umlauf for his steadfast support and valuable contributions to the White River Waterway Committee. Umlauf has been involved from the early days of ROW and has just accepted the opportunity to further serve as the new ROW White River...
by Our Waterways | Nov 20, 2018 | News Center, Pleasant Run, Pogues Run, Volunteers
In the Know With ROW is a quarterly gathering to bring Reconnecting to Our Waterways’ Element and Waterway Committees together for learning and fun. At Crowdfunding 101, you will learn from ROW’s Pogue’s Run and Pleasant Run Waterway Committee members about how...
by Our Waterways | Nov 6, 2018 | Central Canal, Fall Creek, Little Eagle Creek, News Center, Partners, Pleasant Run, Pogues Run, Success Story, Volunteers, White River
In this season for giving thanks, Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW) is grateful for those giving of their time, talent, and treasure to the exciting efforts along Indy’s waterways. All of the six local waterways in ROW’s focus areas are important community assets...