New Year New Strategic Plan

This year, ROW is not only welcoming in a new year, but also a 3-Year Strategic Plan for 2018 to 2020. This plan was finalized at the December Steering Committee meeting.

An important part of the strategic plan is our new mission and vision:

Our mission is that ROW convenes and supports community partners to enhance quality of life, investing in innovation, analysis, cultural advancement and environmental quality along Indy waterways and in adjacent neighborhoods. Our vision, is that we envision community members engaged, nourished and inspired by equitable cultural, environmental, educational, and economic opportunities along our waterways.

Our mission and vision goals were created to guide our work over the next three years. The Strategic Plan also includes information regarding the history of ROW, it’s focus areas, and it’s leadership structure.

If you would like to read an Executive Summary of the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, you can do so here.